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Spectro, Astero et Hélio Blog
24 février 2011

end of 2010, early 2011 behavior of the H-alpha line of epsilon Aurigae

end of 2010, early 2011 behavior of the H-alpha line of epsilon Aurigae
In 2010, November the red wing of the HII shell around the supergiant F star has reappeared, uncovered by the secondary object. This return make the inside bottom Ha bump disappeared and some unexpected bumps appeared in the sodium doublet in December,...
23 février 2011

Z cma outburst

Z cma outburst
Hello, recently the pre main double star Z cma showed a stong photometric outburst according to the AAVSO special notice #232 A new amateur international spectroscopic campaign has been designed to gather...
Spectro, Astero et Hélio Blog
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