AZ cas observations
eshel observations, DeniSe instrument
0,355m f5 schmidt cassegrain reflector, spectrograph eshel R=11000, disp 0,1A/pix, wavelenght domain 4450A-8150A. Zip archive of 23 non normalized échelle orders in Bess Fit format (standart preprocessing, calibration on a spectra of thorium argon lamp, instrumental response corrected on Vega or Altair or alpha Leo. No heliocentric and no telluric corrections. date MJD 2400000+
1 20120710_222814_AZcas_6x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56119.4363
2 20120716_214021_AZcas_6x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56125.4030
3 20120806_200256_AZcas_6x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56146.3354
4 20120831_220201_AZCas_6x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56171.4101
5 20120907_194554_AZcas_7x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56178.3235
6 20120914_212341_AZcas_8x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56185.3914
7 20120922_192005_AZcas_7x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56193.3056
8 20121002_184005_AZcas_7x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56203.2778
9 20121009_192223_AZCas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56210.3072
10 20121013_180511_AZCas_8x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56214.2536
11 20121024_174707_AZCas_3x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56225.2411
12 20121029_182753_AZCas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56230.2694
13 20121105_183344_AZCas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56237.2734
14 20121111_173832_AZCas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56243.2351
15 20121115_194240_AZCas_8x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56247.3213
16 20121119_172924_AZCas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56251.2288
17 20121122_184346_AZCas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56254.2804
18 20121130_182812_AZCas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56262.2696
19 20121206_193149_AZcas_8x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56268.3138
20 20121211_213648_AZcas_7x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56273.4006
21 20121217_190742_AZcas_5x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56279.2970
22 20121223_181131_AZcas_7x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56285.2580
23 20130102_190814_AZcas_8x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56295.2974
24 20130110_195257_AZcas_6x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56303.3284
25 20130117_201356_azcas_7x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56310.3430
26 20130125_180945_azcas_14x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56318.2568
27 20130203_203042_azcas_5x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56327.3547
28 20130213_185304_AZcas_7x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56337.2869
29 20130219_185522_AZcas_9x1200s_TGarrel MJD 56343.2885
30 20130309_232632_AZcas_4x1200s_TGarrel
31 20130412_195650_AZcas_8x1200s_TGarrel
32 20130422_192438_AZcas_4x1200s_TGarrel
33 20130501_193518_AZcas_5x1200s_TGarrel
34 20130512_015133_AZcas_5x1200s_TGarrel
35 20130526_013916_AZcas_5x1200s_TGarrel
36 20130612_002506_AZcas_7x1200s_TGarrel
37 20130624_232621_AZcas_10x1200s_TGarrel
38 20130721_011543_AZcas_6x1200s_TGarrel
39 20131127_201047_AZcas_3x1200s_TGarrel
Observatory coordinates Lat 43 37 30 Long E03 48 12 elevation 70m
LhiresIII observations
20120813_060_AZcas_Lhires_halpha MJD 56152.5596
Heliocentric radial velocity/wavelenght shift variations,
Ew evolution between 6558 6565: Recent increase of the red wing emisison cause a decraese of Ew. Fluctuation before recent period are due to blue wing activitie with a probable period of 28d (to be confirmed)
Na D evolution
h beta evolution
See also ARAS page AZ Cas eclipse 2012-2014 Table of spectra taken by campaign members dozens of spectra of different resolutions and optical domains available from all over the world
Current campaign spectroscopy results