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Spectro, Astero et Hélio Blog
18 décembre 2011

Test of a new home made skycam

Test of a new home made skycam
I made a sky cam with a DMK31usb camera and a 24mm f1.8 Zuiko lens. First light during a whole observing session, about 8h of video, 1 image every minutes. The aim is sky monitoring during observation, detection of cloud and in the future, detection and...
14 décembre 2011

WR 134, HeI 5876

WR 134, HeI 5876
Following the study of HeII4686, here is the HeI 5876 extracted from an order of an eshell spectrum of 9600s exposure and sampled to 3600s and 7200s for comparison. SNR is better than in the blue region, normal with the better sensitivity of the ccd,...
14 décembre 2011

WR 134, HeII4686

WR 134, HeII4686
Here is a study of the HeII4686 profile variation depending of the exposure time of WR134, a wolf rayet star subject of a 2013 pro am campaign from the Convento group The SNR requirement on 1hour exposure for this campaign is about 200. The resolution...
Spectro, Astero et Hélio Blog
  • Toutes mes observations spectrales, spectroscope, télescope pour percer le secret des étoiles. Observation des astéroides, TNO et KBO Observation diu Soleil. All about star spectroscopy and how to do this Asteroids, TNO and KBO Sun observation
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